潞安矿务局漳村煤矿子弟小学教导主任李岳峰,全家7口人:公爹、婆母、丈夫,还有3个念书的孩子。在这个三世同堂、矛盾重重的家庭里,岳峰用一颗爱心赢得了好媳妇的美名声。 提起李岳峰孝敬老人,不仅漳村矿职工家属人人夸,就是在潞安矿务局甚至长治市,也是榜上有名,喜得岳峰的公婆夸起儿媳来就没完没了,说岳峰这个儿媳,更像他们的亲闺女! 岳峰的公爹李新库、在漳村煤矿从事井下
Lu’an Mining Bureau Zhangcun coal mine elementary school teaching director Li Yuefeng, the family of 7 people: father, mother, husband, there are three children studying. In this three generations, contradictory family, Yue Feng with a love won a good daughter-in-law reputation. Mention Li Yuefeng honor the elderly, not only Zhang Kuang mine families all praise, that is, in the Luan Mining Bureau and even Changzhi City, is also on the list, Xi Yue Feng’s in-laws exaggerated daughter-in-law came to an end, said Yuefeng this daughter-in-law , More like their pro-girl! Yuefeng father Lee new library, Zhangcun mine engaged in underground