(1992年9月)一、1 991年冬以来全省水利建设情况我省1991年冬1992年春的水利建设,以治淮治太为中心,大中小工程全而展开,掀起了我省建国以来的第三次治水高潮,概括起来有以下几个特点:(一)流域性治理工程开局顺利治理太湖的“三河一线”(望虞河、德胜港、白屈港、环太湖控制线)工程全面展开。望虞河工程张桥以南27.5公里河段5月下旬全而完成计划,达到国务院提出的1992年汛期行洪150立方米每秒的要求;白屈港支线新夏港土方工程已于1991年12月下旬竣工;
(September 1992) I. WATER CONSERVANCY CONSTRUCTION IN THE PROVINCE DURING THE PERIOD FROM THE FATE OF L991 Since the founding of our province in the winter of 1992 and the spring of 1992, The third flood control climax, in summary, has the following characteristics: (a) the beginning of the basin management project started to manage Taihu Lake “line” (Wang Yu, Desheng Port, Bai Qu Harbor, Central Taihu Lake control line ) Project in full swing. Wang Yu 27.5 km south of Wang River project to complete the project in late May and reach the State Council proposed flood season in 1992 of 150 cubic meters per second requirements; Baicheng Port Extension Xia Xiaang earthworks in 1991 Completed in late December;