我国搞了几十年的计划经济体制,为这种经济体制服务,我们建构了渗透到各个领域、各个方面、各个层次的知识体系。随着经济体制的转变,正象旧体制作出它的历史贡献、走完它的历程一样,与旧体制相适应、为旧体制服务的旧的知识体系也将完成它的历史使命,逐步退出历史舞台。 但是,思想、文化、意识、知识有一种滞后作用和效应,旧的知识载体,例如图书、期刊、报纸、音像制品等等,不能用销毁的办法让其消失;几代人所受的教育,储存在人们大
Since China engaged in a planned economic system for several decades and serving this kind of economic system, we have constructed a knowledge system that permeates all fields, all aspects and levels. As the economic system changes, just as the old system made its historical contribution and finished its course, the old system of knowledge that is adapted to the old system and serves the old system will also fulfill its historical mission and gradually withdraw from its history stage. However, ideology, culture, awareness and knowledge have a lagging role and effect. Old knowledge carriers such as books, periodicals, newspapers, audio-visual products, etc. can not be destroyed by destruction. Education, Stored in people big