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西安是中国著名的古都,有着光辉灿烂的古代文化遗产,西安碑林就是其中重要的组成部分,向以碑石荟萃而著称,被誉为我国古代书法艺术的宝库、巨大的石质图书馆,有着九百多年的悠久历史,本文将对西安碑林的历史沿革作一概述。西安碑林的建置与唐代所刊刻的《开成石经》及《石台孝经》的迁移有着密切的关系。唐天宝四年(745),唐玄宗李隆基提倡孝道,曾诏令“天下民间家藏《孝经》一本”。(《新唐书·玄宗纪》)并亲自作序、注解以隶书书写《孝经》碑。碑四面刻,其子李亨篆额,额上承云头纹盖,下有三层台座,高大宏伟,故称“石台孝经”。刻成后立于唐长安城务本坊太学内。 Xi’an is a famous ancient capital of China with a splendid ancient cultural heritage. Xi’an Beilin is one of the most important parts. It is famous for its steles and stone tablets. It is reputed as the treasure house of ancient Chinese calligraphy art, a huge stone library, A hundred years of long history, this article will outline the history of Xi’an Beilin. The establishment of Xi’an Beilin is closely related to the migration of “Keshenjing” and “Shi Tai Xiao Jing” inscribed in the Tang Dynasty. Tang Tianbao four years (745), Emperor Xuanzong Li Lung-kai to promote filial piety, had edict “world folk possession of” filial piety “a”. (“New Tang Shu Xuan Zong Ji”) and personally preface, notes to scripture writing “filial piety” monument. Inscription engraved on all sides, its son Li Heng seal amount, the amount of cloud head cover Wen Cheng, there are three pedestal, tall and grand, so called “Shitai filial piety ”. After carved into the Tang Chang’an City, Benbenfang too within the school.
在已经走过的那不太久远的日子里,令中国人民刻骨铭心的除了抗击冰灾、雪灾、震灾、洪灾以外,更有那抵御扑面而来的国际金融危机,在暴风骤雨中,中国经济傲然向前。2009年中国对世界经济增长的贡献率超过50%,这是全球自二战以来首次出现的经济新格局。  在中国经济险象环生的惊心动魄时刻,中国中央企业勇挑重担,不辱使命,切实发挥国有经济的重要支柱作用,成为引领中国经济可持续发展引擎。2009年中央企业累计实