稍微了解一点日本侵华史的人,大概没有不知道《田中奏折》的。“惟欲征服支那,必先征服满蒙;欲征服世界,必先征服支那”的所谓“大陆政策”,就是在这份臭名昭著的奏折中提出的。 田中指的是1927年至1929年间任日本首相兼外相的长州派军阀田中义一大将。《田中奏折》就是他于1927年策划制定的侵吞中国、兼并世界的一个秘密计划,这份奏折本来是绝密文件,但于1928年被旅日爱国人士蔡智堪先生设法抄录,并传往国内。消息传出后,日本当局一再否认《田中奏折》的存在。后来的实践证明,日本帝国主义侵占中国东北,发动全面侵华战争,继而发动太平洋战争,无一不是按照《田中奏折》进行的。当时的日本外相重光葵在其回忆录中也承认有此奏折。
A little understanding of Japan’s history of invasion of China, probably did not know “Tanaka memorial”. It is in this infamous memorial that “if we want to conquer China, we must first conquer Manchuria; and if we want to conquer the world, we must first conquer China’s so-called” mainland policy. “ Tanaka refers to General Takeshi Tenaga, a long-armed warlord who served as Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Japan from 1927 to 1929. The memorial to Tanaka was a secret plan that he planned to devise and annexed China and the world in 1927. This memorial was originally a top secret document but was copied and transmitted to China by the Tsai Chih-kan of a Japanese patriotic in 1928 . After the news came out, the Japanese authorities repeatedly denied the existence of ”memorials in the field.“ Later practice proved that the Japanese imperialists invaded and occupied northeast China, launched an all-out war of aggression on China, and then launched the Pacific War. All of them were conducted in accordance with the ”memorial in midfield". At that time, Japanese Foreign Minister Kamiya Akira admitted in his memoir that there was a memorial.