据美国全国广播业者协会 (NAB)近日宣布 ,又有七家电视台开始发送数字电视信号。其中三家电视台是首次在其市场上广播数字电视信号 ,这三家电视台是史密斯堡的 KHBS TV、敖德萨的 KDSA TV和伯灵顿的 WL ED TV ;另四家是哈里斯堡的 WL YH TV、波特兰的 WC SH TV和亚特兰大的 WAT
According to the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) recently announced that another seven television stations began sending digital television signals. Three of the stations are for the first time broadcasting digital television signals in their markets: KHBS TV in Fort Smith, KDSA TV in Odessa and WL ED TV in Burlington; the other four are WL YH TV in Harrisburg WC SH TV in Portland and WAT in Atlanta