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想要在高中美术鉴赏课教学中提高学生兴趣,首先要使所选择的美术作品能形象地吸引学生,并在情感上打动学生,引起学生的兴趣。如果教师再辅以介绍画家创作过程有趣的情节,定会吸引学生,激起他们欣赏的极大兴趣。一节课要充分利用好,又要学生兴趣能提高,要从课堂美术教学中提高学生对美术各方面的兴趣就须让精彩纷呈的艺术有机地与课堂教学互相利用,使各类艺术互相渗化,保持课堂内容的新鲜感。爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是学生最好的老师。”学生一旦对学习产生了兴趣,就会产生自发吸取知识养料的要求,这时枯燥的美术作品对他们来说,就不再是负担,而是一种享受了。学生在兴趣盎然的状态下鉴赏,会观察力敏锐、记忆力增强、想象力丰富,会兴致勃勃、心情愉快地去学习,表现出个性的积极性和创造性。因此,激发学生们对美术鉴赏的兴趣,开拓学生的思维是美术鉴赏课成功与否的关键。 In order to improve students’ interest in the teaching of high school art appreciation classes, we must first make the selected art works visually appeal to students and emotionally impress students and arouse their interest. If teachers supplement the introduction of the interesting plot of the artist’s creative process, they will surely attract students and arouse their great interest. A lesson needs to be fully utilized, and students’ interests must be improved. To improve students’ interest in all aspects of fine arts from the classroom art teaching, it is necessary to make the wonderful art organically interact with the classroom teaching, so that all kinds of arts can seep through each other. To maintain the freshness of the classroom content. Einstein said: “Interest is the student’s best teacher.” Once students have developed an interest in learning, they will have the requirement to spontaneously absorb knowledge and nourishment. At this time, boring art works are no longer for them. It is a burden but a pleasure. Appreciating students with a strong interest, they will observe a keen sense of power, enhance their memory, and have a rich imagination. They will be eager to learn and have a good mood. They will show their enthusiasm and creativity. Therefore, stimulating students’ interest in art appreciation and opening up students’ thinking are the keys to the success of art appreciation classes.
文学名著是人类优秀文化的精髓,对一个人的成长的深远影响是毋庸置疑的。因此,语文教学中应重视对学生阅读名著的引导。就《名著导读》复习做了一些尝试。 Literary masterp
翻转课堂翻译自英文Inverted Classroom,是指重新规划调整课堂内外的时间,把学习的决定权从老师转移给学生.这种教学模式由于能显著的改善教学效果,而得到国内外教育专家的推
本文根据一台Mercedes-Benz W211车系E240更换刹车片时,制动系统突然建立制动压力,导致制动分泵活塞飞出险些造成事故现象,介绍该车SBC电子感应制动控制系统的结构及工作原理
“少教多学”不应该是作秀,教师要彻底改变教学理念,实实在在教会学生自主学习,在课内课外培养、提高学生的学习能力。 “Less education and more learning ” should not