本文对广西乃至南疆惟一的皇家陵园———南宁市郊区江西镇同江村三江坡 (俗名宋村 )兴陵进行了初步考证。笔者经多次实地考察和求教专家 ,引用大量史实资料 ,回答了众人瞩目的问题 :明朝历代的皇帝、皇后死后都葬在南京、北京 ,为什么皇太后王氏则葬在南疆“越”人之地南宁 ;宋村村民为何把兴陵称皇姑坟 ,把皇太后称为皇姑 ;以及考证皇姑坟主人身份 ,事略等。并向全社会呼吁 ,重视对这一珍贵历史文化遗址的进一步挖掘、考证 ,使之切实得到有效保护
This paper conducts a preliminary textual research on Xingling, the only royal cemetery in Guangxi and even the southern Xinjiang --- Sanjiangpo, a Tongjiang village on the outskirts of Jiangxi Province. After many field visits and seeking advice, the author quoted a large number of historical facts to answer the question that people were noticing: the emperors and queens of the Ming dynasty were all buried in Nanjing and Beijing after the death, "The land of Nanning; Songcun villagers why the Xingling said Huanggufen, the Empress Dowager Huangnu; and research Huanggufen host identity, things and so on. And appealed to the whole society, attach importance to further excavation, textual research on this precious historical and cultural site, so that it can be effectively protected