
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong452
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Objective: To determine clinical outcomes and the prevalence of prothrombotic conditions in patients who had neonatal renal venous thrombosis (RVT). Study des ign: A retrospective cohort of neonates with RVT who were admitted to 4 pediatri c centers from 1980 to 2001 was identified. Information on clinical presentation , laboratory and radiological investigation, and treatment were abstracted. Surv ivors were evaluated for renal status and prothrombotic conditions. Results: For tythree patients with neonatal RVT were identified. RVT was unilateral in 24 pat ients (56%) and associated with thrombi at other sites in 32 patienets (74%). Clinical presentations included renal failure in 24 patients (56%), thrombocyto penia, anemia, or both in 22 patients (51%), and renal mass in 21 patients (49 %). Neonatal interventions included anti-coagulants in 28 patients (65%), ant ihypertensive medications in 9 patients (21%), peritoneal dialysis in 2 patient s (5%), and nephrectomy in 2 patients (5%). The median age at follow-up was 3 .7 years (range, 0.5-20.2 years). Thirteen patients (34%) had hypertension, an d 11 patients (29%) had renal failure. End-stage renal disease developed in 3 patients, and they underwent live-related renal transplants. Twelve of the 28 p atients (43%) examined had prothrombotic abnormalities. Conclusion: Neonatal RV T is associated with significant renal morbidity and a high prevalence of prothr ombotic abnormalities. Objective: To determine clinical outcomes and the prevalence of prothrombotic conditions in patients who had neonatal renal venous thrombosis (RVT). Study des ign: A retrospective cohort of neonates with RVT who were admitted to 4 pediatri c centers from 1980 to 2001 was identified. Information on clinical presentation, laboratory and radiological investigation, and treatment were abstracted. Survivors were evaluated for renal status and prothrombotic conditions. Results: For tythree patients with neonatal RVT were identified. RVT was unilateral in 24 patients (56%) and associated with thrombi at other sites in 32 patienets (74%). Clinical presentations included renal failure in 24 patients (56%), thrombocytopenia, anemia, or both in 22 patients (51% Neonatal interventions included anti-coagulants in 28 patients (65%), antihypertensive medications in 9 patients (21%), peritoneal dialysis in 2 patients (5%), and nephrectomy in 2 patients (5% The median age at follow-up was 3.7 years (range, 0.5-20.2 years). Thirteen patients (34%) had hypertension, an d 11 patients (29%) had renal failure. End-stage renal disease developed in 3 patients, and they underwent live-related renal transplants. Twelve of the 28 p atients (43%) had had prothrombotic abnormalities. Conclusion: Neonatal RV T is associated with significant renal morbidity and a high prevalence of prothr ombotic abnormalities.
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