Sustainable Conception for Structure in Facility

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  摘 要:Environmental challenges, such as climate change, are led by unsustainable human activity in the past two hundred years. The whole systems for living and production are being negatively affected by these challenges, and the actions should be taken currently to avoid the worst impacts. The concept of sustainable development should therefore be applied to practical work and design to reduce negative impacts of human activities.
  New facilities are required to be designed and built in Guyana, which is a country with huge amount of natural resources, to improve the eco-tourism, and to undertake more and better measures for protection of natural environment and species. The purposes for designing facilities are conserving and improving the natural landscape, wildlife and cultural heritage, which has close link with sustainability (Exmoor National Park, 2012). Sustainable design in high quality is critical to reduce long-term damage to the natural environment and to support the social and economic development of facilities (Cairngorms National Park, 2010). Therefore the importance of sustainable design should be highlighted in the design of facilities.
  Facilities are well managed reserves for landscape and natural species, and the design of facilities can decide the success of the projects. New facilities may be designed in Guyana to improve the eco-tourism, and to undertake more and better measures for protection of natural environment and species. Sustainable design can be applied into the projects to achieve the reduction of long-term damage to the natural environment. The objective of this design guide is to help the designers, construction managers, and management officers of the project to consider all issues in a more sustainable approach. They may obtain advices about sustainability issues in the document, and the projects can be developed into relatively sustainable projects.
  Before design of the new facilities is discussed, some recommendations for site location of facilities are provided. Sustainable designs for different locations of facilities are also different, and some criteria and advices may only fit one kind of natural environment. There are two main recommendations in Guyana particularly suitable for the facilities projects, which are Mount Roraima, and the region of Rupununi Savannah and Kanuku Mountains. These two regions are introduced in the design guide, and they are also compared with each other with some criteria.   The design guide mainly addresses the sustainability issues in two stages. The first stage the design guide can be used is the design stages. In order to achieve a real sustainable project, suggestions and recommendations in the design stage are provided. Four aspects of design are emphasised in the guide. For planning of buildings and facilities, the key issue is to keep the facilities sympathetic to the surroundings. Considering selection of materials used, recycling materials with no passive environment effects are advised to be used. When making design for high energy-efficiency, heat retention and passive solar design should be applied to the design and facilities, and renewable energy can also replace conventional energy to some extent. Some protection measures, which are about preserving and creating habitats, and minimising disturbance to natural species, are suggested for the environment as well.
  The second stage the document provides advices to is the implementation and management stage which includes the construction of the projects and the management of the facilities. Four aspects of implementation are primarily provided with suggestions in the guide. For water management, rainwater collection system and reuse of water may be preliminarily considered by the management officers. The recommendations about recycling issues for both domestic waste and construction waste are provided when considering waste management. To promote pollution control during construction, air, noise and light pollution should be minimised. Considering transportation, cycles are encouraged to be used in the facilities.
  If the new facilities are designed and managed following the sustainability issues in this design guide, economic, social and environmental benefits can be achieved from the projects.
  Sustainable National Parks, eco-tourism, economic, social and environmental benefits, high energy-efficiency
  Brecon Beacons National Park, Pernbrokeshire Coast National Park, and Snowdonia National Park. 2009. Guidance for sustainable design in the National Parks of Wales. [Viewed 24th December 2013] Available at:
  Cairngorms National Park. 2010. Supplementary Planning Guidance. The Cairngorms National Park Authority: Ballater, UK. [Viewed 22nd December 2013] Available at:
  EPA. 2010. A green guide for waste management and recycling during special events at National Capital Region Parks. [Viewed 26th December 2013] Available at:
  EPA. 2013. Combined Heat and Power Partnership. [Viewed 26th December 2013] Available at:
  Exmoor National Park. 2012. Sustainable Exmoor. [Viewed 22nd December 2013] Available at:
  Guyana Forestry Commission. 2008. Functions of the Guyana Forestry Commission. [Viewed 22nd December 2013] Available at:
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