对于阿根廷足球来说,2004年是喜忧参半的一年。尽管在象征着美洲足坛最高荣誉的美洲杯决赛中点球大战负于巴西队,痛失近在咫尺的冠军奖杯,但是,阿根廷人几十年来梦寐以求的首枚奥运会足球赛金牌则是对他们长期以来不懈努力的最大褒奖。不仅如此,在这一年里,阿根廷足坛还涌现出多名潜质优秀、实力出众的新星,他们散发出的熠熠星光将潘帕斯草原的夜空点缀得更加绚丽多姿。贾维尔·阿莱扬德罗·马斯切拉诺(Javier Alejandro Mascherano)就是其中最耀眼夺目的一颗。这位联赛里出场次数屈指可数的年轻人突然坐稳国家队主力位置,并且被看作是雷东多的接班人,令人对他兴趣大增。
For Argentine football, 2004 is a mixed year. Despite the fact that the penalty shootout at the Copa America Championship, the symbol of the highest honor in the Americas, lost to Brazil in the first place, the Argentine championship gold medal, the first Olympic game ever sought by the Argentine for decades, For the long time unremitting efforts the biggest prize. Not only that, this year, the Argentine football also emerged a number of outstanding potential, superior strength of the new star, they emit the sparkling stars of the Pampas steppe night sky embellishment even more colorful. Javier Alejandro Mascherano is one of the most dazzling one. One of the few young men in the league who played a surprising number of times suddenly settled in the national team’s home base and was seen as a successor to Redondo.