Clinical manifestations of urinary tract bacterial infections dysuria syndrome, that is, pain or discomfort during urination. Can be found in many women’s life at some time, often accompanied by urgency, frequent urination, and sometimes suprapubic pain and gross hematuria. If the infection is limited to the lower urinary tract, the fever rarely exceeds 38 ° C. For a small number of women, these symptoms are often mild and rarely cause annoyance; however, some women often recurrent and can result in generalized weakness. Acute pyelonephritis patients have fever (often above 38 ℃), chills, back pain and headache, muscle pain, failure and other systemic symptoms. About half of these women have lower urinary symptoms. Occasionally gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bloating. Acute pyelonephritis pain may be directed downward to the ureter or up to the abdomen. Such as urgent