Possible functions of the microtrichia on the cuticle of Ulomoides dermestoides(Chevrolat)(Coleopter

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhlwcg
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Ulomoides dermestoides(Chevrolat)(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is one of the most notorious pests in northeastern China. We examined microtrichia on the thorax, elytra and abdomen of U. dermestoides using scanning electron microscopy and recorded their conformations(size, shape and insertion method) and distributions(length, width and location). Possible functions of the microtrichia were(1) stridulation: microtrichia on the inner surface of the elytra interacted with microtrichia on the dorsoventral axis of the thorax or on the costal vein of the hind wing;(2) to increase friction: at the major surface on the middle of the abdominal tergum, hind-wings, inner surface of the medial edge of the elytra and the posterior end of the elytra;(3) protection: the microtrichia covering the posterior face of the abdomen conserved water in the body and protected the body from damage; and(4) sensing organ: the special shape of the microtrichia on the nervation near the vannal fold of the hind wing, the anteriometapleuron on the metathorax, and the posterior field of the abdomen could perceive the environment. In conclusion, the size and shape of the microtrichia are tightly related to their functions, which may have evolved with the beetles’ lifestyle. Ulmusides dermestoides (Chevrolat) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is one of the most notorious pests in northeastern China. We examined microtrichia on the thorax, elytra and abdomen of U. dermestoides using scanning electron microscopy and recorded their conformations (size, shape and insertion method Possible functions of the microtrichia were (1) stridulation: microtrichia on the inner surface of the elytra interacted with microtrichia on the dorsoventral axis of the thorax or on the costal vein of the hind wing; (2) to increase friction: at the major surface on the middle of the abdominal tergum, hind-wings, inner surface of the medial edge of the elytra and the posterior end of the elytra; (3) protection: the microtrichia covering the posterior face of the abdomen conserved water in the body and protected the body from damage; and (4) sensing organ: the special shape of the microtrichia on the nervation near the vannal fold of the hind wing, t he anteriometapleuron on the metathorax, and the posterior field of the abdomen could be perceive the environment. In conclusion, the size and shape of the microtrichia are tightly related to their functions, which may have evolved with the beetles’ lifestyle.
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