【教学目标】以“台湾问题”为载体进行政、史、地三科综合复习 ,展示学生研究性学习成果 ,激发学生学习时事政治的兴趣和爱国主义热情。同时 ,以“台湾问题”为中心整合教材相关基础知识 ,培养学生全方位、多角度分析问题、解决问题的能力 ,为文综测试成绩的提高打下坚实基础?
[Teaching Goal] Take the “Taiwan Issue” as the carrier to conduct a comprehensive review of government, history, and the geosciences, show student research-based learning outcomes, and stimulate students’ interest in current affairs politics and patriotic enthusiasm. At the same time, with the “Taiwan Issue” as the center, we must integrate the basic knowledge of the teaching materials to cultivate students’ abilities to analyze and solve problems in all angles and perspectives. This will lay a solid foundation for the improvement of the results of Wenqiu Testing.