尊敬的《父母必读》编辑: 您好!今天我很高兴在贵刊上看到了一篇等待已久的好文章:《虽缺犹圆》。文中说出了我的心里话,我惊喜地发现作者的观点与我的观点是如此一致。我也是一个离婚妇女。我们是一年前离婚的,当时儿子已7岁。像吴闻一样,我从不骗孩子,我明确告诉他,爸爸和妈妈合不来,生活在一起不开心,所以只能分开,但我永远都会爱你的。月有阴晴圆缺,这是正常的自然现象,同样,离异也是正常的社会现象,关键是怎样把孩子教育好。目前在报刊上看到的
Dear Parents Read: EDIT: Hello! Today I am pleased to see a long-awaited article in your magazine: The article made my heart, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the author’s point of view and my point of view is so consistent. I am also a divorced woman. We were divorced a year ago when my son was seven years old. Like Wu Wen, I never cheated children, I told him clearly, my father and mother can not come together, not happy to live together, so can only be separated, but I will always love you. This is a normal natural phenomenon. Similarly, divorce is also a normal social phenomenon. The key is how to educate children well. Currently seen in the press