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马克思主义社会发展观简论王思浚社会发展是一个综合系统概念,只有把.各个系统加以综合协调,形成有机整体系统,才能全面协调发展,推动社会进步。马克思主义社会发展观可以概括为如下几层意思。第一,辩证的历史的唯物主义把社会历史的发展看成既是唯物的,又是辩证的。说它是唯物的是指“物质生活的生产方式制约.着整个社会生活、政治生活和精神生活的过程”,“社会存在决定人们的意识”,生产力决定生产关系、经济基础决定上层建筑。说它是辩证的是指生产关系对生产力、上层建筑对经济基础有反作用。而且社会发展过程中还有其它一系列中介因素在起作用,各种因素相互制约、相互作用,而以生产力为根本动力,带动社会整体进步。第二,作为社会历史主体的人是历史的创造者。主体在创造和推动社会历史发展过程中,是在既定的社会历史条件的前提下创造历史,推动历史前进。这就是说,要把主体能动性和客观规律性统一起来,在主体目的性符合客体规律性的基础上,主体的创造活动具有决定性意义。所以,马克思主义的发展观是社会主体和社会客体有机统一的整体发展观。在社会发展中,经济因素、政治因素、文化因素都各占一定位置、各起自己的作用,而在这个有机整体中,各种因素都贯串着社会主体的作用 Marxist concept of social development Wang Sijun social development is a comprehensive system concept, only put. Various systems to be integrated and coordinated to form an organic whole system in order to fully coordinate the development and promote social progress. Marxist concept of social development can be summarized as the following layers of meaning. First, dialectical historical materialism sees the development of social history as both material and dialectical. To say that it is material means “the process of the material life, the mode of production, the whole process of social life, political life and spiritual life”, “the social existence determines the consciousness of the people”, the productive forces determine the relations of production and the economic foundation decides the superstructure. To say that it is dialectical refers to the relationship between productive forces and productive forces and that the superstructure has an adverse effect on the economic foundation. In addition, there are a series of other intermediary factors that play a role in the social development process. Various factors interact with each other and interact with each other. However, with productivity as the fundamental driving force, the overall social progress is driven forward. Second, as the main body of social history is the creator of history. In the process of creating and promoting the development of social history, the subject creates history and advances history on the premise of established social and historical conditions. That is to say, it is necessary to unify the subjective initiative and the objective law. On the basis that the subjective purpose conforms to the regularity of the object, the subjective creative activity is of decisive significance. Therefore, the Marxist outlook on development is the organic development concept of unity between social subjects and social objects. In the course of social development, economic factors, political factors, and cultural factors all occupy a certain position and play their respective roles. In this organic whole, various factors run through the role of social subject