本文针对《夜郎君法规》中 ,述及的阶级、等级关系 ,土地占有、使用和租税力役剥削 ,禁止民间藏书等规定 ,以及传统的儒家思想的影响等 ,通过对古夜郎国和水西土司时代社会状况的对比分析 ,认为《夜郎君法规》不可能是古夜郎时代的产物 ,不过是作者据水西土司统治时代社会状况 ,依托附会对统治者进行讽谏而已。
This article aims at the regulation of class, hierarchy, land occupation, use and exploitation of tax liability, prohibition of private collection of books, and the influence of traditional Confucianism mentioned in Yelangjun Law, The comparison and analysis of the social conditions of the Western and Western Toast era suggest that “Yelangjun laws and regulations” can not be the product of the ancient Yelang era, but the author relied on the meeting to remonstrate the rulers.