本文介绍了精密磨床信息系统建模和新兴的面向对象建模语言UML以及支持UML的可视化建模工具Rose,并把三者有机结合起来用于精密磨床快速开发信息系统的建模与设计 ;给出了基于WEB的系统建模方法 ,提出了一种用UML/Rose实现基于WEB的设计信息查询系统建模的过程
This paper introduces the modeling of precision grinder information system and emerging object-oriented modeling language UML and the visual modeling tool Rose that supports UML, and combines the three organically for the modeling and design of the rapid development of precision grinding machine information system; Based on the WEB system modeling method, a UML / Rose WEB-based design information query system modeling process