药材延胡索载于《开宝本草》,原名玄胡索。李时珍谓:“每年寒露后栽,立春后生苗,叶如竹叶样,三月长三寸高,根丛生如芋卵样,立夏崛起。”与其形态相似功效相近被作为土元胡使用的药材夏天无两种易混淆药材可以从以下几方面加以鉴别。1 性状形态延胡索为罂粟科植物延胡索干燥块茎。呈不规则的扁球形,直径5~15mm。表面黄色或黄褐色,有不规则网性皱纹。顶端有略凹陷的茎痕,底部常有疙瘩状凸起。质硬而脆,断面黄色,角质样,有蜡样光泽。气微,味苦。夏天无为罂粟科植物伏生紫堇的干燥块茎。呈类球形、椭圆型或不规则块状,长0.5~2cm 直径
Herbal medicine is contained in “Kaibao Materia Medica”, formerly known as Xuan Husuo. Li Shizhen said: “Each year after the cold dew planting, after the beginning of spring seedlings, leaves like bamboo leaves, March three-inch high, roots such as quail egg-like, Lixia rise. ” Similar to its form similar effect was used as Yuan Yuanhu In the summer, there are no two kinds of easily confusing herbs that can be identified from the following aspects. 1 Character morphological Corydalis yanhusuo is a dried plant tuber of Corydalis tuber. Irregular flat spherical, diameter 5 ~ 15mm. The surface is yellow or brown, with irregular net wrinkles. There are slightly concave stem marks at the top and verrucous bulges at the bottom. Hard and brittle, yellow cross-section, horny, wax-like luster. Gas slightly, bitter. In summer, the dry tubers of the genus Papaveraceae are found in the poppy. Spherical, elliptical or irregular block, 0.5 to 2cm in diameter