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目的比较不孕患者心理状态对体外受精—胚胎移植(IVF-ET)妊娠结局的影响。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对在我中心接受ART治疗并接受新鲜胚胎移植的114周期进行心理状态测评。统计SCL-90自评量表总分,以SCL-90自评量表全国常模分数129分为参照,分为心理健康组(≤129分)与心理亚健康组(>129分),分析2组病人卵母细胞受精、胚胎发育情况以及临床妊娠结局。结果心理亚健康组不孕患者平均Gn量显著高于心理健康组,统计学差异显著(P<0.05);2组不孕患者卵母细胞的受精率为77.47%和78.97%(P>0.05),无统计学差异;心理健康组不孕患者卵母细胞利用率显著高于心理亚健康组(40.00%vs 35.97%),统计学差异显著(P<0.05);心理健康组不孕患者临床妊娠率与胚胎着床率也显著高于心理亚健康组,分别为60.98%vs 55.56%(P<0.05)、45.36%vs 42.28%(P<0.05),统计学差异显著。结论不孕患者心理状态虽然不影响其卵母细胞受精率,但影响受精后胚胎发育潜能及临床妊娠结局,同时由于心理亚健康组Gn量增加,可能会导致心理状况差的不孕患者治疗费用增加。因此,建议不孕患者在进行IVF-ET治疗同时,辅以心理疏导等干预措施。 Objective To compare the effect of psychological status of infertility patients on pregnancy outcome of IVF-ET. Methods A total of 114 cycles of ART in our center receiving fresh embryo transfer were assessed using the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90). Statistics SCL-90 self-rating scale total score, with SCL-90 self-rating scale national norm 129 points as a reference, divided into mental health group (≤ 129 points) and psychological sub-health group (> 129 points), analysis 2 groups of patients oocyte fertilization, embryonic development and clinical pregnancy outcomes. Results The average amount of Gn in infertile patients in mental sub-health group was significantly higher than that in mental health group (P <0.05). The fertilization rates of oocytes in two groups of infertile women were 77.47% and 78.97% (P> 0.05) (P <0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05). The utilization rate of oocytes in mental health group was significantly higher than that in psychological sub-health group (40.00% vs 35.97% The rates of implantation and embryo implantation were also significantly higher than those of psychological sub-health group (60.98% vs 55.56%, 45.36% vs 42.28%, respectively) (P <0.05). Conclusion Although infertility patients do not affect the fertility rate of oocytes, but affect the embryonic development potential after fertilization and clinical pregnancy outcomes, and because of the increase in the amount of Gn in sub-health psychological group may lead to treatment of infertile patients with poor psychological status increase. Therefore, it is recommended infertility patients in the treatment of IVF-ET at the same time, supplemented by psychological counseling and other interventions.
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