上影厂摄制的《紧急迫降》是根据东方航空公司一架客机起落架发生故障而紧急迫降的真实事件改编的。对于惊险样式的影片来说 ,这有相当的难度。没有虚构与渲染自然不行 ,而完全离开了“有惊无险”的真实故事背景也不行。对于创作者来说 ,这是两难之事。而这部影片的导演却以其?
The “emergency landing” by the studio was adapted from the actual incident of an emergency landing on the failure of the landing gear of a passenger plane of China Eastern Airlines. This can be quite challenging for thrilling movies. No fictional and natural rendering does not work, and completely leave the “unscrupulous” true story background does not work. This is a dilemma for creators. The director of the film has it?