据《人民日报》载:1997年3月18日,菲律宾总统拉莫斯在首都马尼拉挽袖献血250毫升,以此来庆祝他自己69岁的生日。从1957年至今,这位德高望重、政绩显赫的总统已向菲律宾红十字会无偿献血41次,累计献血量近14升。他前不久因颈动脉堵塞而动了手术,但康复后步履稳健,思维敏捷,身体状况极佳。 一个体重60公斤的人,体内约有5000毫升左右的血液。血液中的主要成分是血细胞。血细胞同身体其他组织细胞一样,不断地新
According to the “People’s Daily”, on March 18, 1997, the President of the Philippines Ramos donated 250 milliliters of blood in the capital city of Manila to celebrate his 69th birthday. From 1957 to the present, the highly respected and honored president has donated 41 blood donations to the Philippine Red Cross Society, with a cumulative donation of nearly 14 liters. He recently performed an operation because of a carotid artery obstruction, but he recovered after a steady, quick-thinking, and good physical condition. A person weighing 60 kilograms has about 5,000 milliliters of blood in his body. The main component in the blood is blood cells. Blood cells, like other cells in the body, continue to be new