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近日发布的iPhone5虽然令果粉们多少有些失望,但是以苹果公司为代表的现代信息科技巨头们掀起的移动互联风暴依然势头强劲:从随时随地“云端读报”到方便快捷的智能定位,从随心所欲的即时通讯到如影随形的数据管理……而对提供移动互联服务的各类信息科技巨头们来说,心无旁骛、毫不懈怠地推进技术创新和运营模式创新是最虔诚的信仰,因为 Recently released iPhone5 Although the number of fruit powder are somewhat disappointed, but Apple Inc. as the representative of the modern information technology giants set off a strong momentum of the mobile Internet storm: from anywhere, “cloud reading newspaper” to the convenience of intelligent positioning, From the arbitrary instant messaging to the go-go data management ... ... and for the provision of mobile Internet services for all types of information technology giants, indifferent, unswervingly promote technological innovation and business model innovation is the most devout faith because
会计职能内容是随着社会经济,企业管理理论,会计理论的发展而强化与丰富的。本文结合作者多年的工作实践,对会计职能的变化提出了自己的看法。 The content of accounting f