In order to resolve the multisensor multiplied maneuvering target tracking problem, this paper presents a distributed interacted multiple model multisensor joint probabilistic data association algorithm (DIMM-MSJPDA). First of all, the interacted multiple model joint probabilistic data association algorithm is applied to each sensor, and then the state estimation, estimation covariance, model probability, combined innovation, innovation covariance are delivered to the fusion center. Then, the tracks from each sensor are correlated and the D-S evidence theory is used to gain the model probability of an identical target. Finally, the ultimate state estimation of each target is calculated according to the new model probability, and the state estimation is transmitted to each sensor. Simulations are designed to test the tracking performance of DIMM-MSJPDA algorithm. The results show that the use of DIMM-MSJPDA algorithm enables the distributed multisensor system to track multiplied maneuvering targets and its tracking performance is much better than that of IMMJPDA algorithm.