晴空万里,星斗初现,今晚正是农历八月十五,此时,圆月尚未升起。市文化馆五楼的会议室内,人声鼎沸,锣鼓喧天,京胡嘹亮,唱腔回旋。各行各业的京剧爱好者欢聚一堂,正为成立吉林省“通化市京剧协会”而紧张地排练着准备上演的节目——《武家坡》。 协会定在重阳节前夕成立,并且请来了原通化地委书记专员和原市委书记市长等离休老干部为协会成立揭幕。协
Clear sky, the beginning of the stars, Tonight is the lunar month of August 15, at this time, the moon has not yet risen. City Cultural Center conference room on the fifth floor, voices, percussion noisy, Jing-Hu Liang, singing and singing. Peking Opera enthusiasts from all walks of life gathered together for the establishment of Jilin Province, “Tonghua City Peking Opera Association” and nervously rehearsed to prepare the staged show - “Wujiapo.” The association is scheduled to be set up on the eve of the Chung Yeung Festival and invites veterans of retired veterans, including former commissioner of the Tonghua Committee of the prefectural party committee and former mayor of the municipal party committee, to unveil the association. Association