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宪法是治国安邦的总章程。现行宪法颁行30多年以来,地方人大及其常委会高举宪法旗帜,在维护宪法尊严、保证宪法实施中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。深入探讨新形势下地方人大及其常委会在保证宪法实施中的重要作用,对于坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国三者有机统一,发展社会主义民主政治,建设社会主义政治文明具有重要的理论和现实意义。一、人大及其常委会工作与实施宪法之间的内在联系 The constitution is the general constitution governing the country. Since the current constitution was promulgated for more than 30 years, the NPC and its standing committee have held high the constitutional banner and played an irreplaceable and important role in safeguarding the constitutional dignity and ensuring constitutional implementation. Depth discussion of the important role of local people’s congresses and their standing committees in guaranteeing the implementation of the Constitution in the new situation, and the principle of organically unifying the three in adhering to the party’s leadership, people being the masters of the country and governing the country according to law, developing socialist democratic politics and building a socialist political civilization Important theoretical and practical significance. First, the NPC and its standing committee work and the implementation of the constitutional internal relations
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Novel visible light-induced Cr-doped Sr Ti O3-g-C3N4 composite photocatalysts were synthesized by introducing polymeric g-C3N4. The composite photocatalyst was
“二○○一电信运营支持系统 (BBS)高级论坛”将于 7月1 2日、1 3日在北京举行。这是中国第一次聚焦于 BBS领域的高峰会议 ,也是中国七大电信运营企业的首次聚首。外电信运营
皖电东送淮南至上海特高压交流示范工程是世界第一条1 000 kV同塔双回路商业运行的特高压输电线路,它的成功建成和运行标志着我国在特高压输电工程建设中已经站到了世界前列
与新加坡等电信机构合作开发的全长7000km中国—东南亚电缆主干于近日启用。 6国的电信机构参与这项工程,它们是中国、越南、老挝、泰国、马来西亚和新加坡。这条电缆主要用于