
来源 :中国石油和化工标准与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kccsong
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在我国的资源结构中,除了煤炭资源的重要性人人皆知之外,油品的供应也是影响正常生产生活的重要因素之一。在我国,无论是交通还是大部分的机械生产,都对油品有着不同数量的需求,油品的安全供给不单单影响到油品供给公司的利益,也在一定程度上影响着各行各业的收益。但是,由于各地油品产量的不均匀,导致部分地区需要从外地进行油品的引进,在这个过程中就涉及到一个油品运输安全的问题。在我们日常生活中所见的新闻报导中,偶尔可以见到油品储运罐发生爆炸的事例,造成严重的人力及财力的损失。因此,本文对当今我国油品储运罐实现安全管理的意义、现存管理问题及相关建议措施进行了简要的分析。 In the resource structure of our country, in addition to the well-known importance of coal resources, the supply of oil products is also one of the important factors that affect normal production and living. In our country, whether transportation or most machinery production, there is a different amount of oil demand. The safe supply of oil products not only affects the interests of oil supply companies, but also to a certain extent affects all walks of life income. However, due to the uneven production of oil products in various parts of the country, some regions need to import oil products from other places. In this process, it involves the issue of oil transportation safety. Occasionally, news stories seen in our daily life have seen the explosion of oil storage and storage containers, resulting in serious human and financial losses. Therefore, this article briefly analyzes the significance of the current safety management of oil storage and transportation tank in our country, the existing management problems and the related suggestions and measures.
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