本文从绍兴市农村基层民主发展的现状出发 ,深刻地剖析了在推行农村基层民主政治建设过程中存在的问题 ,特别是结合中国的最大国情 ,即中国共产党作为执政党 ,如何加强对该项具有重大历史意义的工作的领导 ,提出了一些对策建议。全文共分三部分 :一、改革开放以来 ,我市农村基层民主政治建设的发展轨迹及其特点 ;二、推进农村基层民主政治建设的主要障碍及其原因 ;三、加强党的领导的对策和建议。
Based on the status quo of grassroots democracy in rural areas of Shaoxing, this paper profoundly analyzes the existing problems in the process of implementing the grassroots democracy in rural areas. In particular, considering the fact that China is the ruling party, Major historical significance of the work, put forward some countermeasures and suggestions. The full text is divided into three parts: First, since the reform and opening up, the development of rural grass-roots democratic politics in our city and its characteristics; Second, to promote the rural grassroots democracy and the main obstacles and their causes; Third, to strengthen the party’s leadership and Suggest.