一层楼里住着两户人家,一家因无小孩而闹离婚,另一家因有小孩而要分手。 从偏远小镇来到大都市闯荡的许耀宾(田小洁饰),好不容易要和城里的老姑娘胡小兰(陈晓佳饰)结婚了,却被儿子小东(王博饰)的突然出现打乱了计划。许耀宾六年前死了妻子,儿子小东跟姥姥在小镇过,几天前姥姥去世了,孩子被人送到了许耀宾的身边。胡小兰不愿意没结婚就给人当妈,而孩子也对胡小兰抱有很强的敌意,两人水火不容。胡小兰大呼上当,认为许耀宾骗了她,要让许耀宾把这野孩子赶走,否则别想结婚。许耀宾两头受气,父子俩更是视若路人。 女邻居李家萍(柴鸥饰)是个服装设计师,因身患先天性心脏病不能生
Two people live in one floor, one divorces children without a child and the other breaks up with children. Xu Yaobin (Tian Xiajie), who came to the metropolis from a remote town, finally got married to Hu Xiaolan (Chen Xiao Jia), an old girl from the city, but was disrupted by the sudden appearance of his son Xiaodong (Wang Bo). Xu Yaobin died of his wife six years ago, the son of small East with his grandmother in the town, a few days ago grandma died, the child was sent to Xu Yaobin’s side. Hu Xiaolan do not want to be married to give people a mom, while the children also have a strong hostility to Hu Xiaolan, both of themselves. Hu Xiaolan shouted, that Xu Yaobang lied to her, let Xu Yaobin this wild child away, or do not want to get married. Xu Yaobin two angry, father and son are even more if the passers-by. Female neighbors Li Jiaping (Chai Ou ornaments) is a fashion designer, due to congenital heart disease can not be born