People unsure about “virtual” doctor visits “虚拟”就医,众说纷纭

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  Being able to find high quality health care at an affordable price is a problem to be solved in many countries. In the United States, Walmart, a large chain store, is trying to help. It is offering something new to its employees: cutting the cost of a doctors appointment to only $4 instead of the usual $40 for the same service.
  Walmart is the latest major business in the
  United States to push its workers toward a high?tech way to be examined and treated by doctors. Thanks to telemedicine, people can talk with medical experts from the privacy of their own homes, often using a secure video connection.
  Supporters say online visits make it easier for patients to see an expert or quickly find help with problems considered non?emergencies. Some health care needs are well?suited for telemedicine. It can help people seek treatment for insect bites or skin conditions. Patients who have had medical treatment and cannot move around easily can use telemedicine for their follow?up visits. Also, people seeking help with mental health issues can benefit from the privacy that telemedicine gives.
  But still, many people do not use telemedicine. They continue to go to the doctors office when they are sick. 80 percent of middle?size and large US companies offered telemedicine services to their workers in 2018. However, only 8 percent of their employees used telemedicine at least once in 2017. Compared with seeing a real doctor in person, some people may think the quality of telemedicine is not as good. Parents, for example, may feel they are not giving their children the best care if they take advantage of a virtual doctor appointment. Another reason why some adults may not use telemedicine services is trust. Tom Hill, aged 66, says he has no plans to ever use telemedicine. He says, for him, it is important to look at his doctor in the eye and shake hands.
  However, for some people, especially young people and busy students, telemedicine might be a good choice. It can cut down on the time away from work. It can also cut down on the cost of doctor visits.
  1. What do we know about telemedicine?
  A. It is increasingly popular with people in America.
  B. It is an online service provided by most companies.
  C. It enables the patients to see a doctor at home for free.
  D. It makes it easier for people to receive medical treatment.
  2. Who is most likely to use “telemedicine”?
  A. Katherine, a shy woman who suffers from mental illness.
  B. Robert, a grandfather who fell off a bike and got injured.
  C. Jackson, a firefighter who got seriously burnt in a big fire.
  D. Susan, a mother whose kid is suffering from a strange disease.
  3. What is the authors attitude towards telemedicine?
  A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Uncertain. D. Concerned.
  Difficult sentence
  Supporters say online visits make it easier for patients to see an expert or quickly find help for problems considered non?emergencies. 支持者说,在线访问使患者更容易见到专家,或者对非紧急情况下的问题迅速寻求帮助。
  【点石成金】这是一个主从复合句,online visits make it easier for patients to see an expert or
  quickly find help for problems considered non?emergencies作动词say的宾语,省略了引导词that。it是形式宾语,不定式结构for patients to see an expert or quickly find help for problems considered non?emergencies是真正的宾语。
家庭暴力是一个全球性的问题。在世界各国,家庭中妇女受到与其关系密切者的身体虐待的现象广泛存在,以“绅士风度”著称的英国也不例外。近年来,英国已经成为西方家庭暴力最为严重的国家之一。有媒体报道称,“绅士”国家家暴成风。此前的家暴定义不够全面  近些年来,英国深受家暴问题困扰。来自英国反家庭暴力慈善组织“女性援助会”以及英国最大的儿童慈善组织全国防止虐待儿童协会等机构的一组数据表明:每4个英国女性当中
时间并未就此停止,它把岁月珍贵的面孔都留在这里,留在了一件件平淡、美丽却又充满回忆的旧家具里。    屋主:田茂涓夫妇  面积:套内62平方米2房2厅  造价:2.7万元    田茂涓的家在一所中学旁,一进小区就感觉到深深的宁静。敲门进入,大片深绿扑面而来,屋里开着热烘烘的暖炉,还未坐下,一杯刚打好的花生浆就从女主人手中递了过来。热腾腾的气息,在弥漫着浓雾的深冬,让人格外温暖。    勇敢大胆的绿
手工自创品牌  曾秀玲/著庄明颖/摄  出版社: 生活.读书.新知三联书店  定价:36.00元  我们常常懊恼找不到让人眼前一亮的礼物,漫无目的在商场闲逛一天,依旧一无所获。突然,也许在某个不起眼的角落,视线被定格,拿在手里的它肯定不是价值连城,但却让人怦然心动。  在我们周围有很多这样的人或团体,他们怀揣让更多人“一瞬间怦然心动”的梦想,在时下膜拜奢华名牌的声浪中,独树一帜,张扬个性,将新奇的
自行车轮胎只能是轮胎吗?设计师安迪可不这样认为,他把废旧的轮胎派上了新的用场,赋予了它们第二次生命。    如果有人说,噢,我的自行车轮胎再也转不动,只能报废了。那么真遗憾,他一定以为自行车轮胎就只能是轮胎,就像桌子只能叫桌子一样。其实。我们只要给轮胎换个马甲,稍加整容,它就可以变成桌子。  这并不是天马行空的想象,因为有了设计师安迪·格雷格(AndyGregg),我们无法再使用的自行车,变成了令
语篇导读  一片鲜花盛开的田野,让一个女人看到了世界的可能;一个秘密的花园,无意间却给了她重要的人生启迪——贵在坚持。这个启迪或许将会激发她改变自己今后的人生道路。因此,对于她来说,这一次际遇是一次真正改变人生的“机遇”。  It was a cold, rainy day, and I didnt want to drive up the mountain road to my daughter
刘利年说,我是电影人,设计也肯定是有故事的,我的设计里随便一个角落都可以作为电影场景。在他看来,家就是一个充满故事的地方,也是不断发展的,每一个阶段都有不同的情节。    在中国人眼里,除了寄居庙宇的落拓书生,平常人很难把古刹和家联系到一起。从小就渴望住进Chinese Box(中国盒子)上的亭台楼榭的比利时人翠翠,一眼就相中了这座年久失修的古刹,决意把它改造成自己的家。而那时,此地蛇蝎横行,荒草
那些消逝的手艺  我们无法阻挡城市化进程的脚步,更无法减慢甚至停滞岁月的流逝,那些曾经在我们生活中早已习以为常的事,随着社会发展到现在,和整个社会显得如此的格格不入。也许,有那么一天,那些老旧的行业,那些曾经能真切感受的手的温暖,只能永远出现在我们的回忆里。    袁大爷和宋婆婆的剃头摊子摆在自力巷口,从退休到现在一晃就是20年。巷子不太当道,靠着斑驳的墙,摆上2张椅子,就是老两口的剃头摊子,旁边
人有时会因为某些因素的制约而导致发展暂时受到影响,然而或许又是在某个机遇中,某人的只言片语的鼓励竟然会让你改变一生,让你在默默的打拼中得以走向事业的成功与辉煌。是的,这就是语言的力量。语言很重要,永远不要怀疑它们的影响力。  As I was just an average student in high school, I studied hard in college for the firs
据英国天空新闻网报道,二战欧洲被侵略国的“黄金遣返”计划至今一直在实施。二战中,波兰的黄金储备被秘密运出,分别存放在伦敦、纽约和渥太华等地。来不及运出的黄金被纳粹德国侵占。战后,波兰通过“黄金遣返”计划陆续收回大量黄金储备。  相比之下,亚洲各国没有类似的计划。二战期间日本从中国等亚洲国家掠夺了大量金银财宝,其中相当大的部分都没有被官方记录在案,在战后难以“遣返”。战时拥有黄金最多的国家  193
大连某个厂房内,比手掌还大的鲍鱼壳随处可见。两三个人正在全神贯注地忙碌,有的在打孔,有的在切割,有的在雕刻。在他们的旁边,一个长度不下6米的巨大照壁已经初见端倪,在一个身穿工作服的师傅的娴熟操作中,泛着神秘光泽的神龙似要腾空而去。如此耗材、费时又花人力的作品,还没面世就已经张扬着恢宏的气势,贝雕——这个沉寂多年的精妙工艺,正在酝酿一场令人瞩目的风潮。  风潮的推动者,是那个正在做龙的师傅。他叫金阿