又到阳春三月时,四面山的蝴蝶奇观被人们传得神乎其神。 我在四面山采访过毕其祥、张开强等几位当地老乡,亿万只蝴蝶汇聚四面山的奇异景观绝不是讹传。 每年的阳春三月,是蝴蝶寻侣繁殖的季节,众多的蝴蝶相聚在水口寺、大窝铺的丛林中,溪流边,满山遍野五彩缤纷,分不清是花还是蝶。那群蝶密密麻麻,在空中狂欢舞蹈,似万道霞光乱窜。有的蝴蝶在空中舒展双翅翩翩起舞,有的两三只在一起追逐嬉戏,有的落在花蕊上吸食花蜜,有的倒映碧波,染得一条清溪五色焕然。如不身临其境,真难
March again spring, the wonders of the four sides of the mountain has been passed on spectacular gods. I interviewed Beiqishan over Qi Xiang, Zhang Qiang and other local villagers, hundreds of millions of butterflies gathered in the bizarre mountains of the singular landscape is by no means illegal. The annual spring March is the season of the breeding of butterfly couple. Numerous butterflies gather in the jungle of Shuikousi and Taiwo pavilions, streams and mountains, and colorful scenes of flowers and butterflies. The group of butterflies dense, carnival dance in the air, like thousands of wandering chaos. Some butterflies in the air stretch their wings dance, and some two or three chasing playful, and some fall on the flower on the nectar, and some reflect the blue wave, dyed a stream of color look. If not immersive, really difficult