1996年6月笔者随国家发展研究部门一行到意大利、法国、比利时、荷兰、德国、卢森堡、瑞士进行考察,所见所闻,或许有某些借鉴之处。 一、欧盟一体化,促进经济发展 欧盟中欧洲共同体1991年签署《马斯特里赫特条约》生效后的深化发展。欧洲共同体是在1944年荷兰、比利时、卢森堡成立的“荷比卢关税联盟”的基础上,于1965年4月法国、联邦德国、意大利与荷兰、比利时、卢森保6国签署了《欧洲共同体条
In June 1996, the author went to Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland to study with the National Development and Research Department, and what they saw and heard may have some references. I. EU Integration to Promote Economic Development The EU Central European Community (EU) deepened its development after the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty in 1991. The European Community, on the basis of the Benelux Customs Union established in 1944 in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, signed the European Community Article in April 1965 in France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.