Electric field optimized LDMOST using multiple decrescent and reverse charge regions

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hunterpo
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A lateral double-diffused metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistor(LDMOST) with multiple n-regions in the p-substrate is investigated in detail. Because of the decrescent n-regions, the electric field distribution is higher and more uniform, and the breakdown voltage of the new structure is increased by 95%, in comparison with that of a conventional counterpart without substrate n-regions. Based on the trade-off between the breakdown voltage and the on-resistance, the optimal number of n-regions and the other key parameters are achieved. Furthermore,sensitivity research shows that the breakdown voltage is relatively sensitive to the drift region doping and the n-regions’ lengths. A lateral double-diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (LDMOST) with multiple n-regions in the p-substrate is investigated in detail. And. Because of the decrescent n-regions, the electric field distribution is higher and more uniform, and the breakdown voltage of the new structure is increased by 95%, in comparison with that of a conventional counterpart without substrate n-regions. Based on the trade-off between the breakdown voltage and the on-resistance, the optimal number of n-regions and the other key parameters are achieved. Furthermore, sensitivity research shows that the breakdown voltage is relatively sensitive to the drift region doping and the n-regions’ lengths.
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