从击败特松加晋级决赛,到负于费德勒梦碎温布顿,这短短的48个小时,穆雷让所有英国人感受到了76年梦想的距离,那么近,那么远。1 7月8日,早上9点,穆雷像往常一样,在这个时间睁开了眼睛。距离前天晚上击败特松加晋级决赛不过36个小时,对于穆雷来说,却犹如36年,甚至更长。前天晚上,穆雷获胜之后,一个人在更衣室里坐了很久,他不停用冷水拍打滚烫的脸,还一遍一遍告诉自己:“冷静,冷静,一切都没有不一样,一切都要保持正常。体能恢复,带小狗Maggie和Rusty去散步,按时睡觉,第二天9点起床,吃早餐,赛前训练……”穆雷都觉得自己开始罗嗦,其实这些只是再平常不过的事情,在反复强调之下,变得隆重得有点变味。
From defeating the Tsonga promotion finals to losing to Federer Dreaming Wimbledon, this short 48 hours, Murray so that all British feel the dream of 76 years away, so close, so far. On July 8, at 9 am, as usual, Murray opened his eyes at this time. Just 36 hours from the day before yesterday night to beat the Tsonga cut-off finals, Murray is 36 years or more. The night before Murray won, a man sat in the locker room for a long time, he kept tapping his hot face with cold water and told himself over and over again: “Calm, calm, everything is different, everything should be maintained Normal physical recovery, with the dog Maggie and Rusty to go for a walk, sleep on time, get up at 9:00 the next day, eat breakfast, training before the game ... ... ”Murray feel that they started wordy, in fact, these are just more than normal Things, under repeated stress, have become a bit sommelier.