加强人才建设 为法院发展提供组织保证智力支持——天津市河北区人民法院政治处荣获2005-2006年度文明单位

来源 :环渤海经济瞭望 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haohaojc
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近年来,天津市河北区人民法院政治处较好地发挥了院党组的参谋助手作用,和与干警沟通的桥梁纽带作用,出色地完成了各项工作任务。加强思想政治建设,为法院发展提供精神动力。近年来,他们从本单位和干警思想的实际出发,积极探索新形势下思想政治工作的内容、方法、手段和机制,努力把握特点规律,创造性地开展思想政治工作。通过学习、交流、参观、自查、整改等形式,使各项教育工作取得了较好效果。积极开展向任长霞、陈印田、蒋庆等先进人物学习活动,深入开展争创人民满意好法院、好法官活动,干警道德境界得到不断提升。通过创建《政工简报》、《党建快讯》,大力宣扬好人好事,不断总结在争创活动中的好经验、好做法,充分调动了干警的工作积极性,有力地推动了法院工作。 In recent years, the Political Department of the People’s Court of Hebei District of Tianjin has played a good role as a staff assistant to the Party and government departments in the party and as a bridge between the police and police officers, and has accomplished various tasks well. Strengthen ideological and political building and provide spiritual impetus to the development of the courts. In recent years, from the reality of their own units and the thoughts of police officers and assistants, they have actively explored the contents, methods, means and mechanisms of ideological and political work under the new situation and worked hard to grasp the characteristics and laws and carry out ideological and political work creatively. Through the study, exchange, visit, self-examination, rectification and other forms, the various educational work has achieved good results. Actively carry out learning activities for advanced individuals such as Ren Changxia, Chen Yintian and Jiang Qing and further promote the people’s satisfaction with the courts, judiciary activities and the continuous improvement of the police officers’ moral realm. By creating “political briefings” and “party building bulletin”, we vigorously promoted good deeds and good deeds, constantly summarized good experiences and good practices in striving for excellence, fully mobilized the work enthusiasm of police officers and effectively promoted the work of the courts.