“你问我为什么这样关心国防建设?道理很简单,国无防不立,民无兵不安,长城护国土,我们护长城,没有强大的国防,哪有安宁的经济建设环境”,郝振贤书记与笔者侃侃而谈。 广元市是嘉陵江畔的一座新兴城市,群众生活美满,人心安定。市历届党政领导都把经济振兴和社会稳定当成最高使命。在“将”、“帅”们思维的棋盘上,摆着“人民子弟兵”这枚大子。
“You asked me why I care about this building of national defense. The reason is very simple: the country has no defense and nobody is insecure. The Great Wall protects the country. We protect the Great Wall and there is no strong national defense. How can there be a peaceful environment for economic construction?” Secretary Hao Zhenxian I talked about. Guangyuan is an emerging city on the banks of the Jialing River. People live in peace and prosperity. All previous party and government leaders in the city regarded economic revitalization and social stability as their highest missions. In the “will”, “handsome” thinking on the chessboard, the “people soldiers” this big child.