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东方摄影艺术基金会设在济南市风景秀丽的五龙潭公园里。在潭边一座装饰有仿古木门的精巧小楼内,我们见到了基金会秘书长曾毅先生。这位沉稳的中年人坐在宽大的写字台后面,向我们侃侃道出基金会的发展史。作为一个国内外日渐著名的民间国际文化交流组织,东方摄影艺术基金会走过了不平静的4年。1989年4月成立之前,曾毅任主席的山东青年摄影家协会就搞了一系列摄影赛、摄影展。其中包括以基金会筹委会名义组织的美国摄影家作品展、国际广告摄影艺术展以,及邀请美国摄影家路易丝来济南进行讲座、展览。引起举国瞩目的是1988年的国际和平年全国青年摄影大奖赛。这次与中国摄影家协会、中央电视台等单位联合举办的活动反响极为热烈,联合国教科文组织驻中国代表泰勒博士、中国摄影家协会主席石少华等国内外知名人士纷纷发来贺电,踊跃参赛的选手代表了国内摄影界的最高水平,许多中国市民还记得,之后几年里国内畅销的挂历、明信片、贺年片,选用的大都是这 Oriental Photography Art Foundation is located in Jinan City, the beautiful five Longtan Park. Inside the small but elegant building decorated with antique wooden doors, we met Mr. Zeng Yi, the foundation’s secretary-general. The calm middle-aged sat behind a generous desk, telling us the history of the foundations. As a well-known domestic and international private international cultural exchange organization, Oriental Photography Art Foundation has gone through an unhappy four years. Prior to its establishment in April 1989, the Shandong Youth Photographers Association, chaired by Zeng Yi, conducted a series of photo contests and photo exhibitions. These include the exhibition of American photographers organized under the name of the Foundation Preparatory Committee, the International Advertising Photography Art Exhibition, and the invitation of the American photographer Louise to Jinan for talks and exhibitions. The cause of national attention is the 1988 International Year of Peace in the National Youth Photo Awards. The event, jointly organized with China Photographers Association and CCTV, has been extremely enthusiastic. Many well-known figures at home and abroad, including Dr Taylor Taylor of UNESCO in China and Shi Shaohua of China Photographers Association, have sent messages of congratulation and active participation Represents the highest level of the domestic photography industry, many Chinese people still remember that in the next few years, the domestic popular calendars, postcards, New Year’s films, the selection is mostly
[摘 要] 实行双语教学是当前我国等教育教学的改革方向之一,也是培养适应未来社会需求的高素质人才的必然趋势。会计作为经济管理类的专业课程,也是一种国际通用的商业语言,具有学术和实用的双重价值,更应该加强教学实践中的双语教学效果。本文针对会计双语教学的重要性及面临的新形势,对会计双语教学中的问题进行总结并试提出改革方案。  [关键词] 双语教学 教学改革 案例教学 师资建设  应