在几年的英语学习中,笔者不经意中发现汉语和英语在人称代词上上些有趣的差异。试归纳如下: ——口型之别。汉语中发“我”的音开口度很小,显得非常自谦,毫不引人注目。其他如“吾”、“余”甚至方言中的“俺”、“咱”等,均是如此。“你”“他”音时,口型才依次张大。而英语中的“I”发音时口张得特别大,显得有些当仁不让,惟恐他人忽略自己,而讲“you”、“he”、“she”时口型则逐次缩小。
During several years of English learning, the author inadvertently found that Chinese and English have some interesting differences in personal pronouns. The summary is as follows: - Different types of lips. In Chinese, the voice of “I” is very small and seems very self-conscious and unobtrusive. Others such as “I”, “I”, and even the “方” and “咱” in the dialect are all the same. When “you” and “he” sounded, the mouth shape grew in turn. The pronunciation of “I” in English is particularly large, and it seems to be a bit of a beggar. I am afraid that others will ignore themselves, and that when you say “you”, “he”, and “she”, the mouth shape shrinks.