Pathophysiological responses from human gut microbiome

来源 :World Journal of Translational Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangy1225
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The human gastrointestinal tract harbors a vast collection of symbiotic microorganisms-collectively termed as “gut microbiome”. This microbiota has important effect in immune system and other host activities. Recent studies have suggested that alterations of the normal gut microbiota are associated with various human diseases and psychological disorders. The underlying cause, once proven, may provide novel insights into the importance of gut flora in human health. In this review, we give an attempt to describe how the alteration in the microbial community causes the development of certain widespread pathophysiological disorders; focusing on inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, obesity and autism. Proper knowledge about the hostmicrobiota interaction and linkage could be essential for the development of future personalized strategies of therapeutics. The human gastrointestinal tract harbors a vast collection of symbiotic microorganisms-collectively termed as “gut microbiome”. This microbiota has important effect in immune system and other host activities. Recent studies have suggested that alterations of the normal gut microbiota are associated with various the underlying cause, once proven, may provide novel insights into the importance of gut flora in human health. In this review, we give an attempt to describe how the alteration in the microbial community causes the development of certain widespread pathophysiological disorders; focusing on inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, obesity and autism. Proper knowledge about the hostmicrobiota interaction and linkage could be essential for the development of future personalized strategies of therapeutics.
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