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权力是一把双刃剑,具有双重性:一方面,它为领导干部施展个人才华,实现“达则兼济天下”的政治抱负、最大限度为人民谋利益提供了条件;另一方面,它也容易使人的自利心理和狂妄心态无限度地膨胀,成为牟取个人或少数人的非法私利的工具。也就是说,领导手中的权力用得好,利国利民;用得不好,祸国殃民。领导干部手中这把权力“双刃剑”能否发挥积极效应,取决于领导干部能否正确处理好权力与法律、责任、利益、正义、人情、金钱的关系。领导干部正确处理好了这六种关系,才能真正做到情为民所系、权为民所用、利为民所谋。 Power is a double-edged sword. It is dual in nature: on the one hand, it provides the leading cadres with personal talents and the political ambitions of “reaching the best of both worlds” and maximizes the interests of the people. On the other hand, It also easily expands the self-serving mentality and arrogance of minds indefinitely to become a tool for relying on the illegal and self-interest of individuals or minorities. In other words, the leadership in the hands of the power well used to benefit the country and the people; bad use, disastrous disastrous people. Whether leading cadres can exert their positive power in this hands depends on whether leading cadres can correctly handle the relationship between power and law, responsibility, interests, justice, human rights and money. Only when the leading cadres correctly handle these six kinds of relations can they truly do what they love for the people, use them for their own benefit, and seek the people for their benefit.
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