First description of scleractinian corals from the Santa Marta and Snow Hill Island (Gamma Member) f

来源 :极地科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellen
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Antarctic corals are known from the Upper Cretaceous Santa Marta Formation (Santonian–early Campanian) and Gamma Member (late Campanian) of Snow Hill Island Formation (late Campanian–early Maastrichtian) but they have not so far been taxonomically described. We describe three corals taxa based on 29 specimens collected in 2007 and 2016 on James Ross Island (northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula). They represent the first formal record of scleractinian corals from the Santa Marta Formation, identified as Caryophylliidae indet. and Gamma Member of Snow Hill Island Formation, identified as ?Astreopora sp. and Fungiacyathus deltoidophorus. The family Caryophylliidae and the genus Astreopora were not restricted to the Weddellian Biogeographic Province but the species Fungiacyathus deltoidophorus was endemic to Antarctica during the Cretaceous. The genus Fungiacyathus and the family Caryophylliidae thrive in Antarctica until the present day. Fungiacyathus occurred in shallower environments during the late Campanian than today. No specimens related to Astreopora have yet to be found in Antarctica after the late Campanian. This can be explained by the capacity of Fungiacyathus and Caryophyllidae to endure cold waters, since they are asymbiotic corals. The symbiotic ?Astreopora sp., due to its sensitivity to low temperatures, became extinct in this continent as soon as the Antarctic waters began to cool, around the Campanian/Maastrichtian. The presence of ?Astreopora sp. in Gamma Member of Snow Hill Island Formation may represents the first occurrence of this genus in Antarctica and the oldest record of this genus in the South Hemisphere.
摘 要:任何教育的根本目的在于培养有创造性思维的人才,声乐教学也不例外。尽管声乐教学是用审美的角度,以艺术为媒介,但是其本质仍然是培养学生的自主钻研创造的能力。声乐教学中的循序渐进是声乐教师应特别重视和严格遵守的教学原则,它是由声乐教学的科学性、系统性和严谨性决定的。本文从分析对学生思维方式的培养与声乐教学的密切关系入手,进而从培养学生发现问题的能力、听觉能力、想象力以及营造音乐意境等几个方面重
摘 要:新课标下的初中物理教学,要求以学生的全面发展为目标,不但要注重对物理知识与技能的学习指导,还要对学生科学探究能力及积极的态度和价值观的培养。  关键词:新课标 初中物理  新课标实施以来,教师的教学理念、教学方法发生了很大的变化,教师既要考虑学生的身心发展,想方设法减轻学生的负担,提高初中物理教学的质量;又要培养学生的终身学习能力,为以后的发展奠定基础。那在这种情势的要求下如何才能