充分发挥群众的监督权,定期接受群众的考核,是同济大学校长江景波教授定下的一条重要原则。他就任两年,已受考两次。 同济大学是上海市校长负责制试点。一九八四年初,江景波就任校长后,就把全身心扑在学校工作上。他调整了自射的“生物钟”,每天提早一个小时上班,在学校各处走走,或在校门口等候,遇到要了解情况和交代事情的人,就说上几分钟。他的家在校内新村,却常在教工或学生食堂吃午饭。晚上,他打开
Give full play to the supervision power of the masses and regularly accept the assessment of the masses is an important principle set by Professor Jiang Jingbo, the president of Tongji University. He took two years, has been tested twice. Tongji University is responsible for the pilot system in Shanghai. In early 1984, after Jiang Jingbo became the principal, he put his whole body at school. He adjusted himself to the “biological clock,” working an hour earlier a day, walking around the school, waiting at the school gate, meeting someone who needed to know the situation and explain things, and said for a few minutes. His home in the school village, but often in the staff or students canteen for lunch. In the evening, he opened