凤翔县南指挥公社河南屯大队第一生产队,土地平坦,地下水位高,自然条件较好。广大干部、群众深入开展农业学大寨运动,狠抓科学种田,1974年小麦亩产超《纲要》,75年亩产突破600斤,76年亩产一跃过“长江”,全年粮食亩产连续三年超千斤。77年,在英明领袖华主席抓纲治国的战略决策指引下,战胜了严重的低温、干旱等自然灾害,200亩小麦又获得亩产750斤的好收成。其主要作法是: 1.把好备耕关,在播前打下丰产基础。他们对每年秋播时收、管、种聚在一起,争时间、争劳力的矛盾进行了合理安排。这个队按生产100斤小麦所需养分的要求,把80%的肥料作底肥。底肥以圈肥为主,化肥为辅。200亩小麦,每亩施800斤氨水(其中有90亩,每亩加施20大车圈粪,有50亩加施300斤“五四○六”)。经过深翻细整,9月23日始播,10月14日
The first production team of Henan Tunning Brigade, South Command Commune of Fengxiang County, has a flat land and a high groundwater level with good natural conditions. The majority of cadres and the masses carried out the Dazhai Campaign in Agriculture and paid close attention to scientific farming. In 1974, the output per mu of wheat exceeded 600 jins and the yield per mu in 76 years jumped over the Yangtze River. The annual grain acreage Production for three consecutive years super-kg. In 77 years, guided by the strategic decision of Chairman Hua, the wise leader, in catching the Gangchung Governing State, it conquered severe natural disasters such as low temperature and drought. As a result, 200 mu of wheat obtained a good yield of 750 kg per mu. The main practices are: 1. To prepare for arable land, lay a strong foundation before sowing. They made reasonable arrangements for the contradictions in the collection, management, and gathering of crops each year during the autumn seeding. According to the team’s requirement of 100 kilos of wheat, 80% of the fertilizer is used as base fertilizer. Base fertilizer to circle fertilizer, supplemented by fertilizer. 200 mu of wheat and 800 kg of ammonia water per acre (90 mu of which are applied to the 20-car latrine per acre and 50 mu plus 300 kg of “5406”). After deep plowing detail, September 23 broadcast, October 14