随着厌氧菌培养技术的进步,使医学工作者对感染的菌丛有了进一步的认识,耳鼻咽喉部的感染并不单是需氧菌,厌氧菌也是重要的感染菌种。1984年以来,我们对200例耳鼻咽喉部的脓液进行厌氧菌培养,并作了需氧菌培养和直接涂片的细菌检查,现报告如下。一、一般资料 200例中男170例,女30例,年龄最小15岁,最大60岁,以20~30岁为主。病程最短5天,最长者20年以上。其中慢性上颌窦炎100例,慢性化脓性中耳炎75例,扁桃体周围脓肿
With the progress of anaerobic culture technology, medical workers have a better understanding of infected bacterial flora. The infection of otolaryngopharynx and larynx is not only aerobic bacteria but also anaerobic bacteria. Since 1984, we carried out anaerobic bacterial culture of 200 cases of otolaryngology pus and conducted aerobic bacterial culture and direct smear bacterial examination, are as follows. First, the general information 200 cases of male 170 cases, female 30 cases, the youngest 15 years old, maximum 60 years old, mainly to 20 to 30 years old. The shortest duration of 5 days, the longest 20 years. One case of chronic maxillary sinusitis 100 cases, 75 cases of chronic suppurative otitis media, tonsil abscess