中国土木工程学会和美国土木工程师学会联合举办的中美桥梁及结构工程学术讨论会于9月13日~18日在北京召开。中国、美国、加拿大、瑞士、英国、法国、西德、希腊、日本、澳大利亚以及香港等11个国家和地区的300多位专家、学者、工程技术人员参加了会议。 9月13日举行开幕式,并在大会上宣读4篇重点论文,14~16日分桥梁、建筑、抗震三个组宣读论文110多篇。中外著名学者,如中国的李国豪、钱冬生、胡春农、周念先等教授和国际桥协主席斯里曼教授、美国桥协主席汉斯教授、美籍华人林同棪教授等都宣读了论文。
The Sino-American Bridge and Structural Engineering Symposium jointly organized by the China Civil Engineering Society and the American Society of Civil Engineers was held in Beijing from September 13th to 18th. More than 300 experts, scholars and engineers from 11 countries and regions including China, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, West Germany, Greece, Japan, Australia, and Hong Kong attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was held on September 13th, and 4 key papers were read out at the conference. From 14th to 16th, over 110 papers on the bridges, architecture, and earthquake resistance were read out. Famous Chinese and foreign scholars, such as Li Guohao, Qian Dongsheng, Hu Chunnong, Zhou Nianxian, etc. Professors of the International Bridge Association, Prof. Hans Prof. Hans, Chairman of the American Bridge Institute, and Prof. Lin Tongxi, an American Chinese, read the paper.