[后藤纪久:日本细菌学杂志 36(1):324,1981(日文)] 铝化合物虽早就作为佐剂应用于生物制品的生产,但对人体局部组织细胞学反应和致病作用,很少有人报导。本文报道在小鼠大腿局部肌注或皮下注射0.5mg/ml和5mg/ml两种浓度的氢氧化
[H. Gotokihisa: The Japanese Journal of Bacteriology 36(1): 324, 1981 (Japanese)] Although aluminum compounds have long been used as adjuvants in the production of biological products, they have a cytological and pathological role in the human body. Very few people reported. This article reports the topical intramuscular or subcutaneous injection of 0.5 mg/ml and 5 mg/ml of hydrogen peroxide in the murine thigh.