抚育间伐是培育森林的重要手段之一,经过近三十年来广大林业科学工作者的不断实践、认识,再实践,再认识,对很多与抚育间伐有关问题研究出了不少成功的经验.随着科学技术和林业生产的不断发展,依据间伐作业的长期实践,把间伐技术,尤其是间伐强度的技术归纳为定性间伐体系和定量间伐体系是十分必要的. 定性间伐是以林木分级为基础,依据间伐方法把注意力集中在间伐木的选择上,并进而划分间伐木与保留木,间接地确定间伐
Thinning of tending is one of the important means of cultivating forests. After many years of continuous practice, knowledge, practice and re-understanding of forestry scientists, many successful experiences have been found in the issues related to tending thinning. According to the continuous development of science and technology and forestry production, according to the long-term practice of thinning, it is necessary to classify the technology of thinning, especially the thinning intensity, into the qualitative thinning system and the quantitative thinning system.Qualitative thinning is based on the classification of tree species, According to the thinning method, attention is focused on the choice of deciduous trees, and then between deciduous trees and preserved trees, indirectly determining the thinning