Stalks include grain crop stalks and cash crop stalks, of which straw, rice straw and corn stalks account for about 70% of the total. The annual output of straw in China is about 700 million tons, ranking the highest in the world. In recent years, the state and local governments have issued a series of documents on the comprehensive utilization of crop stalks and initiated and implemented a number of projects such as straw returning, straw power generation, solidified fueling, centralized biogas supply of straw and straw board. However, due to various reasons, the comprehensive utilization effect of straw is not satisfactory, arousing people’s attention and emphasis on establishing an efficient and comprehensive utilization system of straw. Current situation of comprehensive utilization of straw The characteristics of straw utilization in our country at present are: small scale of enterprise, less straw consumption, wide distribution of resources, less variety of products, more authorized patents and less transformation and promotion. The state increases the amount of straw every year