The double recessive nuclear sterile line 1757A was used as the female parent to cross with the conventional double low yielding line 601. Six crosses were found in F1 selfed in F3 generation, which were sterile, 3 fertile and 3 semi-sterile After 8 generations of breeding for 4 years, the male sterile line was bred with about 75% of sterile lines. The sterility of the original recessive male sterile lines was maintained stable and the recovery was wide. Fertile plants in the material can separate other fertility into 1: 1 recessive nuclear sterile plants to achieve and maintain fertility rate of about 75% of sterile plants, at the same time it has low erucic acid, low glucosinolate quality Traits, providing a new sterile source for breeding of high quality hybrid rape and enriching the gene pool of nuclear infertility.