
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GalaxyJW
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国防经济建设要随着市场经济的发展而发展。为此,国防经济要分类别、分层次地引导不同能级的经济主体进入市场,积极参与市场经济的运行;要遵循价值规律,最大限度地提高国防经费的使用效率;要大胆引入竞争机制,以增强国防建设的活力;要建立起“军民结合”的国防生存和发展机制;要加强国防经济建设系统的经济监督。与此同时,在国防资源配置上,要服从国家经济建设大局,与市场经济的发展相适应;在国防生产力布局上,要贯彻积极防御的军事战略方针,确保市场经济的前沿和纵深的安全;在国防力量的结构上,坚持精兵高效的原则,使常备军后勤保障活动与市场经济的运转节律合拍;在国防科技发展模式上,实行“以我为,突出重点,整体渐进”的策略,与市场经济发展的战略部署相协调。 The construction of national defense economy should develop with the development of market economy. To this end, the national defense economy should be classified into different levels and at different levels to guide economic entities of different energy levels to enter the market and actively participate in the operation of the market economy. To follow the law of value, the efficiency of the use of national defense funds should be increased to the maximum extent. To introduce the competition mechanism boldly, So as to enhance the vitality of national defense construction; it is necessary to establish a mechanism for the survival and development of the national defense with the concept of “military and civilian integration;” and it is necessary to strengthen the economic supervision of the national defense economic construction system. At the same time, in the allocation of national defense resources, we must obey the overall situation of national economic construction and adapt to the development of the market economy. We must implement the military strategic guideline of active defense in the layout of national defense productivity so as to ensure the frontier and depth of market economy. In the structure of national defense strength, we must adhere to the principle of efficient military work and keep the logistics support activities of the Standing Army in line with the operating rhythms of the market economy. In the mode of national defense science and technology development, we implement the strategy of “taking me as the focal point and gradual as a whole” and the market The strategic deployment of economic development is coordinated.
据悉,中国今年年底有望正式加入WTO,该讯息对于国内各行业而言,应是“几家欢乐 几家愁”。而对于正处在“水深火热”的国产皮化来说,也许是“怎一个‘愁’字了得”。又悉,国
她学富五车,词动京华,到头来却落得个报国无门,情无所托,学无所专……  出身诗书世家的李清照,18岁时嫁给才华横溢的大才子赵明诚,成就了当时一段佳话。  那应该是李清照一生中最快乐的一段日子,跟自己心爱的人把酒言欢,赋诗唱词,人生多么惬意。因为前期生活安定优裕,李清照的诗词多写闺阁之怨或是对出行丈夫的思念。  但是好景不长,当金兵攻陷青州,李清照与丈夫南渡江宁,行至镇江时,遇陷镇江府,镇江守臣钱伯